schmooze 復習
This is how Russian spies use sex and schmoozing to get their way
Accused Russian spy Maria Butina followed many of the basic rules of foreign espionage – except for a major one: keep a low profile. The 29-year-old did anything but as she posed for magazine photos, gave speeches and granted interviews during her alleged infiltration of the National Rifle Association. Ex-FBI and CIA officials told USA TODAY this public image doesn’t mesh with the Russian spy playbook, whereby agents typically try to mask their Russian connections — let alone flaunt them like Butina did. There's a theory she ingratiated herself to NRA and GOP circles in order to get to the Trump White House, another tactic common to Russian spies. Butina pleaded not guilty to a charge of conspiracy and her lawyer denies she’s a spy. Yet, as you read this, experts say it’s likely there are Russian spies in the U.S.
見出しにあるschmooze /ʃmúːz/を取り上げたいと思います。どのような意味になるのか見当もつかなかったので『ウィズダム英和辞典』を引いてみたところ、「≪…と≫くだらない話をする、おしゃべりをする(chat)≪with≫」とありました。同辞書によると、イディッシュ語を語源としているようです。また、LDOCEでは“to talk in a friendly way about unimportant things at a social event, especially because you want to gain an advantage for yourself later”と定義されています。人脈を作るために様々な人と世間話をするようなことをschmoozeで表すようです。スパイ活動をしていた女性についての記事なので、言葉巧みに人との関係を築いていたことをこの単語で表しているのだと思います。(Blue Sky)