fluorescence 復習
An increasing number of former school buildings in Kagawa Prefecture are being converted to such facilities as a caviar production center, a strawberry farm, a research site for rare sugar and a guesthouse.
Orix Agriculture Corp. renovated a former Minamidani Elementary School building, and is growing lettuce there using fluorescent light.
“The continuing depopulation and aging problem in Yabu will be an issue for the whole country 10 years from now,” said the head of the lettuce plant, Hiroki Yoshida, 42. “I was attracted when a city official told me, ‘If such measures are implemented here, this place will be at the cutting edge in Japan.’”
今回取り上げるのはfluorescence / flɔːr)résns/ です。『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第四版、大修館書店)には「蛍光、蛍光、蛍光性」とありました。またLDOCEにはfluorescent colours are very bright and easy to see, even in the darkやa fluorescent light contains a tube filled with gas, which shines with a bright light when electricity is passed through itと定義されていました。
蛍石という意味のfluorite/ flˈɔːr)rɑɪt/ が形容詞化された単語のようです。fluoriteはラテン語で水の流れを意味するfluoからできた単語です。ちなみに、fluoriteは太陽の光にあててから暗所に移すとぼんやりと光ることから、「光のマグネット」と呼ばれているそうです。(rain)