skeptical 復習
A former Defense Department official, Mark Simakovsky, said a second tranche would target Russian exports to the US and theoretically could include flights by the state airline Aeroflot as well as a downgrade of diplomatic relations. Simakovsky said he was highly skeptical a second round would be applied. That said, he added, "I don't think this is the last shoe to drop" because of political pressure, criticism from Democrats and the looming midterm elections.
skeptical /sképtɪk(ə)l/ が気になりました。『ジーニアス英和辞典』を引くと「懐疑的な,疑い深い」「宗教の教義を疑う;無神論的な」と記載されています。LDOCEによると“tending to disagree with what other people tell you”と定義されていました。また前置詞にはaboutやofを用い、形容詞highlyやdeeplyで修飾できます。語源はラテン語のscepticus「考え深い,不審そうな」、ギリシャ語のskeptikós「よく考える,吟味する」に由来します。(Kiwi girl)