UK firms will begin to activate their ‘Brexit contingency plans’ and move abroad if a trade deal with the EU is not agreed soon, a House of Lords committee has warned.
In their latest report, members of the EU financial affairs committee say both Britain and Europe risk market fragmentation and financial instability if they can’t agree a deal on market access once the UK has left the bloc. ...
Lib Dem leader Vince Cable said the Lords’ report should act as a “serious warning” to Theresa May’s cabinet following ructions within the Conservative Party this week.
Philip Hammond angered Tory Brexiteers by suggesting Britain and the EU would move only “very modestly” apart after the UK exits the union, but Downing Street insisted the PM still had “full confidence” in the chancellor on Friday. (Skip the rest)
今回取り上げる語は、 ructions /rˈʌkʃənz/ です。
まず意味を確認します。LDOCEをみると、”angry talk and complaints because many people are annoyed about a situation” とあり、OEDをみると、”Angry reactions, protests, or complaints.” と定義されていました。また、『ジーニアス英和辞典』をみると、「[英略式」騒々しいけんか、抗議、騒動」とありました。
次に類語を確認します。Collins Dictionary をみると、“row” “trouble” “storm” が挙げられていました。“row” は /raʊ/ と発音し、「[英]言い争い、大げんか、内輪もめ」という意味を持ちます。”row” /roʊ/ とは異なります。各語の定義を辞書で確認してみてください。“row” に関しては、過去の記事があるので載せておきます。(OkaUchi)