deterrent 復習
A Hawaii congresswoman said the false alert of a missile attack in her state shows the need to try to lessen the chance of nuclear warfare.
“Nuclear attack is not a game,” Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard said to ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on "This Week" Sunday. She said she hopes “the rest of the country… leaders in Washington pay attention to … this threat of nuclear war.”
Stephanopoulos asked if she thinks the U.S. should talk directly to North Korea.
"Absolutely and immediately," Gabbard responded. “This is something that I have been calling for a long time. I have been talking about the seriousness of this threat posed to the people of Hawaii and this country coming from North Korea. The people of Hawaii are paying the price now for decades of failed leadership in this country of failure to directly negotiate” with North Korea.
The congresswoman added, “We've got to understand why Kim Jong Un is saying he's not going to give up his nuclear weapons. Our country's history of regime-change wars has led countries like North Korea to develop and hold on to these nuclear weapons because they see it as their only deterrent against regime change.”
An emergency alert of an imminent missile threat to Hawaii was broadcast and sent to mobile phones across the state at about 8:07 a.m. on Saturday, causing panic.
“deterrent” /dɪtˈɚːrənt/ を取り上げます。『ジーニアス英和辞典第5版』(大修館) によると「戦争抑止の、おじつけづく、妨げる」といった意味がありました。次に英英辞典をみると、“to prevent someone from doing something or to make someone less enthusiastic about doing something by making it difficult for thatperson to do it or bythreatening bad results if they do it ” と定義されており、何か危害や悪事から誰かが影響を被らないようにする様を指しているとわかります。さらに “deterrent” はラテン語で「脅かす」という意義を含む “terrere” と「〜から離す」といったニュアンスを含む接頭辞 ”de“ が結び付いて出来た語であるとわかりました。
”deterrent” や “prevent” / “keep” には事柄その物の阻止、辞めさせるニュアンスを含んでいることがわかりました。一方で “hinder” や “ impediment” などの ”deterrent“ と同様に「〜させない、抑える」といった意義のある語をみると、「物事の進行を遅める、妨げる」といった意味合いがあり完全に阻止する強い意味は伴わないことがわかりました。
北朝鮮が以前ハワイに向けて大陸間弾道ミサイル (ICBM) の打ち上げに成功した事例があるだけに、地域住民はパニックに陥ったそうです。(Hapidra)