in line for 復習
Four out of five homes built on former NHS sites that have been sold off to private developers will cost more than nurses can afford, according to new research.
Fifty-nine NHS sites, including many former hospitals, have already been sold to housebuilders as part of the government’s public land sale programme to boost housing supply. But the large majority will be unaffordable to nurses, according to the New Economics Foundation (NEF) thinktank. It found that in London none of the homes will be in reach. ...
Persimmon, whose chief executive, Jeff Fairburn, is in line for a bonus worth over £100m, is developing the site of Pontefract general infirmary in West Yorkshire with 117 homes, only seven of which will be social or affordable housing. However, the prices are mostly below £200,000. (Skip the rest)
今回取り上げる表現は、in line for です。
“in line" は「並んでますよ。」と伝えたいときに、“We are in line.” などの形で使います。そこに “for” をつけた in line for を調べてみます。in line for を『ジーニアス英和辞典』(大修館)でみると、「[昇進・地位などを/…する]得る見込みで、[…の]候補で」とありました。高みを目指して自分の番は今か今かと待って、列を作る人々の姿が想像できます。また “in line with” は他の方が挙げてらっしゃるので確認してみてください。(OkaUchi)