常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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ethos 復習

Britain’s Princess Charlotte starts nursery school

LONDON (Reuters) — Princess Charlotte, the daughter of Britain’s Prince William and wife Kate, began her first day at nursery school near the couple’s London home, Kensington Palace, on Monday.

Pictures taken by her pregnant mother showed the smiling 2-year-old outside her home before she set off to begin at the private Willcocks Nursery School in Kensington.

On its website the school, rated as “outstanding” by government inspectors, describes itself as traditional, saying it “strives to maintain its ethos for high standards, excellence and good manners.” Fees are £3,050 ($4,072) per term for mornings and £1,800 for afternoons.

Charlotte is fourth-in-line to the British throne behind her father, elder brother George and grandfather Prince Charles and her parents are expecting a third baby in April.


 取り上げる単語は"ethos"です。『ジーニアス英和辞典』第4版(大修館)で調べてみると、「(ある文化などの本質的な)特性、精神、主潮、(集団、個人の)気質、特質、エトス」とありました。シャーロット王女が通う幼稚園は、最新の監査で高い評価を得ており、高い教養や精神が身に付くと期待されます。LDOCEでは、"the set of ideas and moral attitudes that are typical of a particular group"と定義されています。(Akim)

cf. Max Weber