embellish 復習
Golden Globes show solidarity in black
The highly anticipated wear-black protest at the Golden Globes took off Sunday as soon as the red carpet opened, including A-listers Meryl Streep in a deep V-cut gown and Michelle Williams in an embellished off-the-shoulder look with “Me Too” founder Tarana Burke at her side.
Streep, accompanied by domestic violence advocate Ai-jen Poo, said she chose black to stand in solidarity with others trying to right the power imbalance that leads to sexual abuse.
“We want to fix that and we feel sort of emboldened in this particular moment to stand together in a thick black line,” Streep told the black-clad Ryan Seacrest on the carpet in Beverly Hills, Calif.
embellish /embélɪʃ/ を取り上げます。女優たちが身につけていた衣装について述べられており、服を着るという意味で用いられていると思いました。『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)で調べると「(…)を装飾する、飾る(decorate)(with);(物語など)を潤色する、(…)に尾ひれをつける(with)」とありました。
LDOCEには “to make something more beautiful by adding decorations to it” や “to make a story or statement more interesting by adding details that are not true” と定義されています。
記事の “an embellished off-the-shoulder look” という部分は、肩の出たデザインのドレスと捉えることができるのではないかと思います。(aqua)