常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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wind-up doll


180-year-old doll performs 2018's first calligraphy ritual 'kakizome'

KURUME, Fukuoka Prefecture--A 180-year-old wind-up doll in kimono performed the “kakizome” ritual Jan. 2--the first calligraphy writing of the new year.
The male doll, its face painted white and with a sword tucked into its obi, was produced by Hisashige Tanaka (1799-1881), an inventor known as the “Thomas Edison of the East” who lived in Kurume.
The doll was cheered by a crowd each time it finished writing a kanji character.


 wind-upを取りあげます。『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版、大修館書店)でwindを引くと「巻きつける、(時計などのねじ)を巻く」とありました。LDOCEでwind-upは“relating to a machine or toy that you turn part of several times, in order to make it move or start working”と定義されているように「手巻きの玩具」を表す時に使われるようです。
 今回はwind-upで「ゼンマイ仕掛けの人形」や「からくり人形」といった言い方が適しているかと思いました。(flying bird)