常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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fission bomb 復習


US intelligence: 'Highly probable' North Korea tested hydrogen bomb

U.S. intelligence has assessed that it is “highly probable” that North Korea detonated a hydrogen bomb last weekend as it has claimed, according to a U.S. official.

The blast was also assessed to have had an explosive yield of more than 140 kilotons, higher than initially believed, making it nearly 10 times as powerful as the atomic bomb dropped by the United States on Hiroshima in World War II.

As U.S. intelligence continues to assess the underground nuclear test the official cautioned there is a chance that waht North Korea tested may have been a fission bomb bolstered to convert it into a thermonuclear bomb, though not necessarily a Hydrogen bomb.

Hydrogen bombs have exponentially more explosive power than atomic bombs, which North Korea has previously tested.

The U.S. Geological Survey measured the North Korean blast as being equal to an earthquake with a 6.3 magnitude.


 今回記事の中で気になった語は"fission bomb"です。『ジーニアス英和辞典』第4版(大修館)で調べてみると、「分裂、(細胞などの)分裂、分体、(原子核の)分裂」とあり、"fission bomb"で「原子爆弾」という意味になります。因みに反意語"fusion"には「融合」などの意味があり"fusion bomb"で「核融合爆弾」となります。LDOCEでは、"the process of splitting an atom to produce large amounts of energy or an explosion"と定義されています。


fission 復習 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森からa boosted fission weapon - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から