常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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lukewarm 復習


Japan's moon ambition faces skeptical public

JAXA also has a job in convincing the rest of the Japanese government, which in May decided to prioritize building out a Japanese space industry over manned space missions.

The space business includes launching commercial satellites for other countries and using satellites to help conduct big-data analyses.

Japan's lukewarm attitude toward manned missions compares with China's single-minded pursuit of space superpower status.



 lukewarm (/ˈluːkwɔːm,luːkˈwɔːm/)に注目しました。


 Oxford Dictionary of English (Second Edition Reserved, Oxford University Press)には、 “(of liquid or food that should be hot) only moderately warm tepid”や “(of a person, attitude, or action) unenthusiastic”と定義されておりました。


lukewarm - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から