記事の中で気になった単語は"blare"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)を調べると「<サイレン・ラジオ> を鳴り響かせる; <人が> …を大声で言う」などという意味がありました。香港の市民には自分が中国人ではなく台湾人であると考える割合が増加しており,中国との関係が難しくなっていると思います。(Ume)
Hong Kong marks 20 years since handover to China
It was meant to be a routine demonstration by pro-democracy protesters.
The leaders of the League of Social Democrats and Demosisto had gathered to make their way to the square in the Wanchai district where the flag-raising ceremony was taking place. They were demanding greater voting rights for Hong Kong, as well the immediate release of the Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo.
But without warning, scuffles began between the demonstrators and the police. Faces were slammed to the ground. And then pro-Beijing supporters turned up, waiving flags and blaring patriotic music. Each side was shouting abuse at the other.
The tussle went on for more than an hour, with it ending only after the leaders of the pro-democracy demonstration were led away by police, who called it an illegal gathering.
sizable - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
lame-duck session - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から