dart #2
記事の中で気になった単語は"dart"です。名詞のダーツは日本語でもおなじみですが,『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)を調べると「(突然) 飛び出す, 突進する; 矢のように飛び去る」などという意味がありました。ウィリアムズ選手が運転していた車が相手の車を横切ろうとして事故が起きたようです。警察はウィリアムズ選手に過失があるとして調査を進めております。(Ume)
Venus Williams at fault in fatal car crash in Florida - police
A spokesman for Palm Beach Gardens police in Florida confirmed to the BBC they were investigating a fatal crash involving the Grand Slam champion.
A man was taken to hospital after the accident on 9 June and died two weeks later from his injuries, he said.
Police believe she was at fault but her lawyer says it was an accident. She has not been cited or charged.
The man who died, Jerome Barson, was travelling with his wife who was driving their vehicle through an intersection when the collision happened.
Ms Williams' car suddenly darted into their path and was unable to clear the junction in time due to traffic jams, according to witness statements in a police report obtained by US media.
darting run - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から