styrofoam 復習
イラクでの爆弾テロについて書かれた記事です。記事の中で気になった単語は"styrofoam"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)によると「〘米商標〙スタイロフォーム〘発泡スチロール製梱包(こんぽう)用詰め物; インスタント食品の容器などに使用〙」などという意味がありました。
Oxford Dictionaries.comには"A kind of expanded polystyrene used especially for making food containers"と定義されております。スタイロフォームについては日本の旭化成工業株式会社が開発元のダウ・ケミカル社と技術援助契約を締結しております(沿革 | スタイロフォーム・ウッドラックのダウ化工)。(Ume)
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"The absence of fire escapes and safety regulations caused the highest number of casualties," says retired Brigadier General Khalaf Abdul Karim who was at the scene that night.
"We could hear people trapped inside desperately calling their family and friends for help. In those minutes some could have been saved."
The fire tore through shops with cheap styrofoam walls and bad wiring, with perfumes and other goods fuelling the flames.
Each time we went to the street, grieving relatives approached us with harsh words for their emergency services, accusing them of arriving too late, and of not doing enough.
When I ask Chief Sergeant Habib Dewan about the accusations, he immediately bursts into tears.