常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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tummy 復習


This black labrador and Michael Jackson share one thing in common

Rowdy first starting showing signs of the condition over two years ago and has left him with two distinct, mask-like white spots over his eyes and one big one on his tummy. Obviously quite striking and uncommon, Rowdy's humans Niki and Tim Umbenhower were often asked by passers by if they dyed his fur.

Famously, the late singer Michael Jackson also suffered from a severe case of vitiligo which spread across most of his body causing a dramatic change in skin colouring.

While not life threatening, sufferers from vitiligo can often experience bullying for their appearance and Rowdy is now using his minor celebrity status to help raise awareness for the condition and also to encourage people to see beyond the surface.

Which really does make him a superhero.




Oxford Dictionary of English (Second Edition Reserved, Oxford University Press)によると、 “a person’s stomach or abdomen”とのことでした。語源は、 “child’s pronunciation of STOMACH”と載っておりました。


ちなみに “a tummy bug”で「おなかの痛み」、 “tummy button”で「おへそ」となるようです。


「tummy」の検索結果 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から