conundrum 復習
Climate change means days are getting longer, scientists find.
The impact of climate change may appear to be overwhelmingly negative but there is a bright spot for those who struggle to find enough time in the day: melting glaciers are causing the rotation of the Earth to slow thereby lengthening our days, new research has found.
Harvard University researchers have provided an answer to a long-held conundrum over how shrinking glaciers are affecting the rotation and axis of the Earth, calculating that the duration of a day has lengthened by a millisecond over the past 100 years.
本日は以上の記事から、"conundrum"を拾います。この語は、『Wisdom英和辞典 第三版』によると、「1.難問、謎、2.なぞなぞ」とあります。ODには"1. A confusing and difficult problem or question . 2.A question asked for amusement, typically one with a pun in its answer; a riddle."とありました。
・one of the most difficult conundrums for the experts (OD)
• the conundrum of how an ancient people were able to build such massive structures without the benefit of today's knowledge and technology (Marriam Webster)
1. What is the strongest day of the week?
2. When is the moon the heaviest?
3. What is it that by losing an eye has nothing left but a nose?
答え: 1." It's Sunday." その他の日は"week days"で、"week"とひっかけてある。
答え:2. "When it's full." 「満杯」を意味する"full"と「満月」の"full moon"がかかっている。
3. "noise" から"i"(eye)を取ると、"nose"になるため。
いかがでしたでしょうか?新しい勉強の方法として、なぞなぞを解きながら語彙を学ぶことができると思いました。英語の授業でも使えるかと思います。さっそく様々な "conundrum"にチャレンジしてみようと思います。(Dew)