dull-witted slug
Are you one of those folks who looks at a picture of a beautiful Caribbean beach and says, "some day," but some day never comes? Join the crowd. Many Americans take a perverse pride in overworking, as though taking a long or even short vacation trip is a sign of weakness.
Vacation breaks are good for you mentally and physically, according to research. If you're worried too many days off will turn you into a dull-witted slug, everyone knows that travel is a learning experience, or, as Mark Twain put it, "Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all of one’s lifetime."
今回取り上げる表現は、“dull-witted slug”です。まず、“dull-witted”と“slug”を分けて考えていきます。“dull-witted”から見ていくと、「頭の鈍い」という意味があります。“slug”は、今回当てはまる意味では「のろのろした人」です。そのまま組み合わせると、頭の鈍いとろとろした人となりますが、しっくりくる訳ではありません。今回の場合、「優柔不断な人」とした方が適していると思います。(Nao)