do a double take
Squeezed among high-rise office buildings in Kabukicho, Tokyo’s famous entertainment district, is Golden Gai, a labyrinth of narrow alleys filled with tightly packed bars. It’s a dark, mysterious world that only comes alive after dusk.
Mesmerised by the jungle of signs, red lanterns and wires overhead, both Japanese locals and foreign visitors can’t help but do a double take when passing by one bar in particular: the Back House, where a 20-something, blue-eyed American woman pours drinks while chatting away with customers in a mishmash of English and Japanese.
今回は“do a double take”を取り上げます。LDOCEでは“to look at someone or something again because you are very surprised by what you saw or heard”とあり、驚いて見るという表現があることがわかりました。『ジーニアス英和辞典(大修館書店)』でも確認すると、「(初めは気づかないでしばらくしてから)はっと驚く(喜劇役者の演技によく用いられる)」とありました。