go double for
私も名前すら知りませんでしたが,今後世界経済を動かす企業に成長するのでしょうか。中国のスマホメーカーXiaomi に関するCNNの記事からgo double forという表現を採り上げます。手持ちの辞書にはgo double forの形では記述はありませんでしたが,ウェブ上ではgo double forで「〜についてはなおさらである」とありました(英辞郎on the WEB)。よって,ここでは「テクノロジーの分野ではより一層(力を持っている)」と解釈できます。(Koyamamoto)
China's Xiaomi's is changing the U.S. too
(CNN)Xiaomi is the most important phone manufacturer you've never heard of.
In the rich world, dominated by Apple and Samsung and where even fading brands such as Nokia and Blackberry remain familiar, Xiaomi (pronounced like the "show-" in shower, plus "me") is still largely unknown.
… As the firm gets ready to announce its newest model, the Mi5, next week, it is worth tuning in, because more than any company other than Apple, Xiaomi will show us where smartphones -- which is to say the mobile, networked computers we all have in our pockets -- are going worldwide.
China and the United States are the two most important economic powers in the world, and that goes double for technology.