powder keg
記事の中で気になった表現は"powder keg"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)によると「(1) (一触即発の)危険な場所[状態]. (2)火薬だる」などという意味がありました。"powder"には「火薬」という意味もあり,"keg"が「小たる」を表すため,このような表現になります。"barrel"と容量を比較すると,kegが,"A small barrel, especially one of less than 10 gallons or (in the US) 30 gallons"に対して,"barrel"は"A measure of capacity used for oil and beer, usually equal to 36 imperial gallons for beer and 35 imperial gallons or 42 US gallons (roughly 159 litres) for oil"とあります。"keg"は,英国と米国ではだいぶ容量に違いがありますね。(Ume)
Virginia shooting: US TV station mourns murdered journalists
"We will, over time, heal from this," WDBJ7 anchor Kim McBroom told viewers, holding hands with two colleagues.
Vester Flanagan died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound hours after he shot dead reporter Alison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward on Wednesday.
The attack has prompted renewed calls for stricter gun control laws.
Memos from the station reveal Flanagan, who used the on-air name of Bryce Williams, had been ordered by the station's bosses to seek medical help before he was fired in February 2013.
He filmed the attack and posted it on social media. In a 23-page fax he sent to ABC News, he described himself as a "human powder keg".