pave 復習
Protests as Japan paves way for self-defence law change
目に留まった表現は “pave”です。
「道路を舗装する」という意味からの比喩かと予想をしつつ、G4(大修館)で確認してみました。「〈道路・床〉を[…で]舗装する、覆う;[比喩的に]基礎を築く」とありました。例として “pave the way to a new market”「新市場への道を開拓する」が挙げられておりました。「開拓する」や「道を開く」のように訳せると思います。
一方LODCEでは “pave the way for ~”で “to make a later event or development possible by producing the right conditions”とありました。今回の採決が “by producing the right condition”なのかはいささか疑問に感じますが、またひとつ新たな語彙として自分の表現にしたいと思います。
A parliamentary committee in Japan has approved two major bills for debate, paving the way for an expanded role for the military.
The move sparked protests from opposition lawmakers in parliament and activists outside the building.
If the bills are passed, Japan would be able to fight overseas in a doctrine called collective self-defence.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe says it is necessary for the country's protection, but polls show many Japanese oppose it.
On Wednesday, a special committee set up in Japan's lower house to decide on the two security bills gave its approval.
The bills, will now be presented before Japan's full lower house on Thursday for another round of debate and approval. They still have to clear the upper house as well before they can be passed.
Many expect the bills to be passed as both the lower and upper houses of Japan's parliament, known as the Diet, are dominated by Mr Abe's Liberal Democratic Party (LDP).