記事の中で気になった単語は"catnap"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)によると「うたた寝,仮眠」などという意味がありました。ODには"A short sleep during the day"と定義されております。パイロットが1名しか乗れないため,仮眠をしつつ飛びづつけるということですね。(Ume)
Solar Impulse plane begins Pacific crossing
Swiss pilot Andre Borschberg has begun his bid to cross the Pacific, from China to Hawaii, in the zero-fuel Solar Impulse aeroplane.
The experimental aircraft, which has a wingspan bigger than a jumbo but weighs little more than a large car, left Nanjing at 02:39 (18:39 GMT).
It is likely to take Mr Borschberg five to six days of continuous flight to reach his central Pacific destination.
He will try to stay awake for much of that time, taking only short catnaps.
His progress will be monitored the entire way from a control room in Monaco.
Meteorologists and flight strategists will constantly update him on the best route to follow.