常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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sweet science

本文中のsweet scienceはso-calledとあることからもわかるように「ボクシング」の俗称。その由来については以下のページで分かりやすくまとめられていますので参照してください。(Koyamamoto)
cf. http://boxing.isport.com/boxing-guides/why-boxing-is-called-the-sweet-science

Expectations for Mayweather-Pacquiao Are High; Boxing’s Future Is Murkier
LAS VEGAS — As far as fights of the century go, Saturday’s bout between Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Manny Pacquiao seemingly has it all, with two fighters with contrasting personalities, considered the best pound-for-pound boxers of their generation, meeting for the first time.
Oodles of money is involved, from the $300 million the combatants are projected to split to the $100 million — Super Bowl-size dough — expected to be wagered in Nevada on the outcome.
Then there are the hundreds of millions of dollars to be spent on the sold-out hotel rooms, the opulent meals, the copious cocktails and the avalanche of chips yet to bounce on casino tables.
So why do aficionados of boxing, the so-called sweet science, seem so sad about what many here believe will be a billion-dollar weekend?