常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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New York Today: Encyclopedia Bodega

Good morning on this mottled Tuesday.

Bodegas dot our city’s landscape like little ponds of everything a New Yorker might need.

Gail Victoria Braddock Quagliata has spent the last nine months photographing every one in Manhattan.

The artist walked every street on Manhattan to make sure she got every bodega, ending up with more than 2,000 pictures.

Some of her photographs didn’t quite work out the way she wanted, but when she returned to shoot the bodegas again, many of them had disappeared.

“Maybe I’m just a softy, but it was so sad to see them disappear,” she said.

“They’re more than a convenience store — it’s a neighborhood, and it’s the person who runs it, all at the same time.”

According to The Village Voice, about 75 bodegas closed last year, mostly because of rising rents.
