常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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神田外語大学大学院(東京キャンパス)TESOL Programでは下記のとおり、Dr, Paul Kei Matsuda (アリゾナ州立大学教授) の講演会を開催いたします。多数の方のご参加をお待ちしております。

日時:7月19日(土)午後2時〜午後3時30分(受付開始 午後1時30分〜)

場所:Plaza Azul(神田外語学院3号館7階 JR神田駅西口から徒歩2分)

アクセス: http://www.kandagaigo.ac.jp/kifl/access/
講演者: Dr. Paul Kei Matsuda
タイトル:Teaching Writing Strategies
要旨: The teaching of writing poses a new set of challenges to many English teachers in Japan because the formal instruction in writing is a relatively new phenomenon. Traditionally, the teaching of writing has not been part of the teacher preparation programs; in many cases, teachers themselves have not taken a writing course taught by teachers who are knowledgeable about writing and writing instruction. For these reasons, many teachers, when they are asked to teach writing, are asking the fundamental question: What do teachers do when they teach writing? This presentation.will explore what it means to teach writing both in terms of what it is that teachers teach when they teach writing (teaching “writing strategies”) and how they teach it (“teaching writing” strategies). In addition to providing insights from writing theory and research, the presenter will share specific examples of teaching writing strategies from his many years of experience as a writing teacher and teacher educator in various parts of the world.


講演会に参加ご希望の方は、eメールにて、(1) お名前 (2)ご住所 (3) お電話番号 (4) ご所属をご送信下さい。