look the other way#2
ヘーゲル国防長官は近年の中国の南シナ海での行動に対しいて非難を表明しております。中国の行為は南シナ海での長期的観点からの進展を脅かすものであり,不安定にしているということが主な主張です。米国は中国の行為を"look the other way"することができないと主張しております。
Chuck Hagel: Beijing 'destabilising' South China Sea
The US defence secretary has accused China of "destabilising" the South China Sea, saying its action threatened the region's long-term progress.
Chuck Hagel said the US would "not look the other way" when nations ignored international rules.
Mr Hagel was speaking at a three-day summit - the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore - that involves the US and South-East Asian countries.
He also urged Thailand's coup leaders to restore democratic rule soon.
The forum comes amid growing tensions between China, Vietnam and the Philippines, with Japan-China ties also strained over disputed islands in the East China Sea.
The summit gives senior delegates from the region a chance to meet face-to-face to try to resolve tensions.