常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


じゃんけんの勝率を上げる方法はあるのでしょうか。運によって勝敗が決まると思われているじゃんけんですが,この記事では運以外の要素を解明した研究を取り上げています。研究方法は360名の学生を雇い,各人に300回のじゃんけんをしてもらい,勝てば報酬をもらえるというものです。実験の結果,勝った人は勝った手(グーで勝てば次もグーを出す)を出し続ける傾向があり,負けた人は違う手(グーで負けたら次はパーを出す)を出すという傾向が見つかったそうです。この結果はゲーム理論の"win-stay lose-shift"という考えとも合致しているそうです。

How to win at rock-paper-scissors

What are your odds of winning rock-paper-scissors? Simple - one in three. At least, that's what chance predicts.

But people do not play randomly - they follow hidden patterns that you can predict to win more games than you should, a study has revealed.

Winners tend to stick with their winning action, while losers tend to switch to the next action in the sequence "rock-paper-scissors".

Anticipating these moves could give you a winning edge, say scientists.

Their strategy was revealed in a massive rock-paper-scissors tournament at Zhejiang University in China, documented on the Arxiv server.

Scientists recruited 360 students and divided them into groups of six. Each competitor played 300 rounds of rock-paper-scissors against other members of their group.

As an incentive, the winners were paid - in proportion to their number of victories.

Their strategy was revealed in a massive rock-paper-scissors tournament at Zhejiang University in China, documented on the Arxiv server.

Scientists recruited 360 students and divided them into groups of six. Each competitor played 300 rounds of rock-paper-scissors against other members of their group.

As an incentive, the winners were paid - in proportion to their number of victories.