be right on the money
今回採り上げるのはbe right on the moneyというイディオム。これはアメリカ英語の口語表現で,辞書には「〈予想助言などが〉正しい, 正確である; 的中している」とありました(『プログレッシブ英和中辞典』小学館)。ここでは「Steve Jobs氏には先見の明があった」と解釈できます。(Koyamamoto)
Smartphone innovation has stalled, but that's OK
(CNN) -- Here's a short message to smartphone makers before you try to wow us with a bunch of glitzy features in your next device: Don't do it.
It's been more than seven years since Apple introduced the original iPhone and reset our expectations for what a smartphone should be. But Steve Jobs was right on the money. It took some five years for the competition to catch up to the iPhone.
Now, with newly launched high-end devices like the HTC One and Samsung Galaxy S5, it almost doesn't matter which phone you buy anymore. The best ones are all pretty much on par with each other.
Recent reviews of the HTC One and Galaxy S5 had a common theme: They're both great devices, but neither has any sparkling features that make them worth upgrading to unless you're in dire need of a new smartphone.