常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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Tokyo pushes ahead with U.S. base relocation plan despite election loss

“The plan must go back to square one,” Inamine told reporters on Sunday. “I will reject all procedures that are premised on the landfill project.”
Last month, Okinawa Governor Hirokazu Nakaima approved a plan to move Futenma’s functions from a populous part of central Okinawa to Nago’s coastal Henoko area.
Preparations for any relocation, such as surveying, could take a year, with the first relocation work starting after that. Japanese media says the government hopes to begin this in 2015, but Inamine’s election could cause delays.
Seeking to soothe discontent, Abe’s government earmarked 348 billion yen ($3.34 billion) for Okinawa’s economic development in the draft budget for the year from April and pledged about 300 billion yen per year through 2021/22.
Abe also promised to study whether the relocation plan could be speeded up and said the government would start talks with the United States on a deal that could allow for more oversight of environmental issues at U.S. bases
