常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

pack in


pack inは「(容器に)包装する, 缶[箱]詰めにする」から転じて、主にコンピューターの世界では「データをより少ないビット数に圧縮して記憶させる」という意味で使われるそうです。つまり現在流通しているハイビジョンの×4000倍(Kは1000)の解像度を既存のスクリーンで実現させるわけで、はっきり、くっきり感は圧倒的だそうです。(Shou-VR*)

TV trends at CES: 4K, curves and smart TVs

TV manufacturers are still pushing hard for 4k, the ultra high-definition screens that pack in four times the resolution of current HD TVs. High prices (sets typically start at $2,000) and limited amounts of 4K content have slowed adoption of the sets. Ultra HD also only looks noticeably different on larger sets, 50-inches and up. This year the companies have rolled out some big names to give 4K a marketing boost.

First came Google. The amount of bandwidth necessary to stream or download 4K content has been a concern, and ahead of CES Google announced a new 4K streaming format, VP9, that would cut in half the bandwidth necessary to stream 4k from sites like YouTube.
LG also addressed the streaming angle and brought out Netflix CEO Reed Hastings at its CES press conference. Hastings talked up future 4K content that will be available on Netflix, like the next season of "House of Cards."

Samsung's plans to make a splash at its press conference went awry when guest Michael Bay, director of the Transformers movies, walked off the stage after his teleprompter went off script. (He later apologized in a blog post saying, "I guess live shows aren't my thing.") Bay is promoting 4k footage from Transformers 4.

According to research firm NPD DisplaySearch, the marketing is working, at least in China. It expects shipments of 4k televisions to jump from 1.9 million in 2013 to 12.7 million in 2014, with early adoption in China leading the way, making up 78 percent of those sales in the coming year.
More content is also starting to trickle in for 4K. Major movie studios are working with Amazon to stock up on 4K content, and Comcast is working with Samsung to up its 4K streaming offerings for people who have Samsung 4K TVs and Xfinity TV.
