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sticker price

USA Todayが2013年に発売されたbest carsをまとめています。

文脈から読み取れるように、sticker priceは「店頭表示価格」のことです。クルマのフロントなどにあるあの表示価格のことです。いつかはわたしも2000万円前後のクルマを所有してみたいものです。(Shou-VR*)

Test Drive: The best cars from 2013

We drive a lot of cars as part of the job, and the most common question is, "What's your favorite?" Or the similar, "What's the best thing you've driven lately?"

Here are some of my picks from the past year's Test Drive miles.

Most fun: Jaguar F-Type V-8.
Undiluted joy — right up until you lose your driver's license.

The F-Type's worth buying (if you can handle a six-figure sticker price) just for the fabulous, outrageous exhaust sound. And it's not a false promise; the F-Type goes as fast as that growl implies.
