感謝祭の日にスーパーマーケットのアスダでテレビを購入しようとする客達の間でいざこざが発生しました。記事はThe Independentからになります。
free-for-allと言いますと「参加自由の競技」でお馴染みかと思いますがここでは「乱闘」(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第3版』大修館)の意になります。念のためLDOCEも参照してみますと’ a noisy quarrel or fight involving a lot of people ‘と掲載されていました。(Shou-VR*)
Asda stores witness Black Friday chaos as fights break out over televisions
"It was just a free-for-all. It was frightening," said one woman who witnessed the scenes at the Westwood Centre. "People were getting trailed to the ground. People were arguing with people. Two of my friends were injured."