常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。




mid-tantrumは、tantrumの最中、すなわち、「かんしゃくを起こしている最中、ぐずっている最中」という意味。LDOCEは"a sudden short period when someone, especially a child, behaves very angrily and unreasonably"と定義をしています。記事中には "a full-volume mini-Hulk-style tantrum"という言い回しが使われていますが、子育てを経験した人には納得の描写です(学生には未知の経験でしょうが...)。なお、go/fly/get into a tantrum=throw a tantrum というイディオムも併せて押さえておきましょう。(UG)

My child is crying because …

Parents all over the world send Greg Pembroke snaps of their toddlers, mid-tantrum, with a caption saying what sparked it. He posts them on his blog, Reasons My Son is Crying. They are the polar opposite of the smug 'Say cheese!' family photograph, he tells Anna Maxted

Now and then, every parent realises that if the world were watching us interact with our offspring through an invisible camera, it would be humbled by the sheer brilliance of our child-rearing skill.

Greg Pembroke, 33, of Rochester, New York, was aware of such a picture-perfect moment as he and his two-year-old play-wrestled on the floor and was feeling smug. Then his son noticed his father's wrinkly knuckles and started tugging at his skin, demanding: "Take it off!" Failure to do so prompted a full-volume mini-Hulk-style tantrum. Greg took a photo of this more honest moment and shared that with the world instead.
In one month, Greg's blog – Reasons My Son is Crying – received more than five million hits, and is predicted to reach 14.5m visits this year: people from, says Greg, every country on the planet except North Korea. The first photograph he posted was of his two-year old, mid-howl, captioned: "I broke his piece of cheese in half"

Now the slightly surprised author of a book, Reasons My Kid is Crying, he restricts himself to posting one photo a day, of the thousands and thousands he receives of bawling toddlers worldwide, along with wry explanations for each meltdown: "A fly landed near him", "I wouldn't let him play with the dead squirrel he found in the yard", "I pretended my hand was a phone".


