常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

reinstating classes on Saturday


さてその「土曜日授業の復活」ですが、記事ではreinstating classes on Saturdayと訳されていました。reinstateはその語源から「人を復帰させる、復職させる」と覚えていましたが、こうした制度に対しても使えるのですね。

なお、わたしは教職志望ではありませんが、記事の最後にある"Teaching is not a job that makes a young person rich or gives them prestige, but it allows you to participate in building someone else’s life."という発言にはなるほどなと思いました。先生がいつもいわれていることと同じですね。(Nat)


Although being a teacher is never an easy task, educators in Tokyo are saying that lately it has been more difficult than ever.

“Teachers come to school at 7 a.m. and greet the children as they enter,” Yasuko Muramatsu, president of Tokyo Gakugei University, says. “After the children leave, they start preparing for the next day’s classes, and they stay at school until 7, 8, or 9 p.m. We do not think it is a healthy situation.”

Teachers’ responsibility may increase even more with Tokyo being close to reinstating classes on Saturday , despite the fact that teachers disagree with this plan.

Teachers in Japan seem to not have too much power. They are moved to different schools every six years and principals go through this process even more frequently. “When a successful principal is moved to another school, it spreads the success and helps elevate the whole district,” Harukazu Fukuda, a principal, said, according to the international press.

“Experiencing various situations is needed as a public school teacher,” commented Mai Ebisawa, a teacher at Wada Junior High.

But although the responsibilities may be pressuring, there are also rewards in a teacher’s activity. “Teaching is not a job that makes a young person rich or gives them prestige, but it allows you to participate in building someone else’s life,” Muramatsu concluded.
