常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

baffled by


Jim Carrey withdraws support for Kick-Ass 2

Jim Carrey, star of Kick-Ass 2, has withdrawn support for the film following the Sandy Hook massacre.

Carrey tweeted on Sunday: "I did Kickass a month b4 Sandy Hook and now in all good conscience I cannot support that level of violence.
Creator of the original comic book and Kick-Ass executive producer Mark Millar said he was "baffled" by Carrey's decision and asked him to reconsider.

In a forum on his website Millarworld, he wrote: "As you may know, Jim is a passionate advocate of gun-control and I respect both his politics and his opinion, but I'm baffled by this sudden announcement as nothing seen in this picture wasn't in the screenplay eighteen months ago.

baffleは「<人を>まごつかせる、当惑させる」「<計画・努力・願望など>をくじく」という意味ですね。(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第4版』大修館)英辞郎 on the WEBには「〜で途方に暮れる、〜によって複雑な気持ちにさせられる、〜でキツネにつままれる」ともありました。LDOCEでも確認してみると、"if something baffles you, you cannot understand or explain it at all"と載っており、「理解できない、または全く説明がつかない」というニュアンスが含まれているようです。
