イタリアで2007年に英国人留学生が性的暴行を受け殺害された事件で,イタリアの最高裁判所(破棄院)はルームメイトだった米国人元留学生Amanda Knox被告に無罪を言い渡した二審判決を破棄し,裁判のやり直しを命じました。
The Amanda Knox Haters Society: How They Learned to Hate Me Too
When Italy‘s highest court reversed the acquittal of Amanda Knox and ex-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito this week, a small cottage industry on the internet began grinding back into high gear. Actually it has never had a down day: the Knox-hating websites have been passing along innuendo and cherry-picked factoids for six years now.
If you have taken a dive down into the Amanda Knox rabbit hole, you will discover a couple of persistent acronyms. The first is PMF. That would be the Perugia Murder File, operated by a Seattle housewife and former French translator who is dedicated to the guilt of Amanda Knox. The other acronym you will encounter is TJMK, which stands for “True Justice For Meredith Kercher”—the young British woman murdered in this case–and is run by a New Jersey-based Englishman who claims that at one time he consulted at the United Nations.
innuendoはスペルからもわかるようにラテン語からの借用語で,もともとは「うなづいて示す」という意味(『新英和中辞典』研究社)。そこから英語では「暗示, ほのめかし」という意味を持ち,法律用語で「(名誉毀損(きそん)訴訟における)真意説明条項」という意味があります(『プログレッシブ英和中辞典』小学館)。ここでは「裁判で説明された事実」と解釈すればいいのでしょうか。(Koyamamoto)