常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

come on the heels of #3



Aeon makes play for control of Daiei
Latest grab comes on heels of Peacock buy

Retail giant Aeon Co. is looking to become the top shareholder of Daiei Inc. by buying shares in the retailer from the major trading house Marubeni Corp., sources said.

Aeon has already approached Marubeni, which is Daiei’s biggest shareholder with a stake of about 29 percent, the sources said.

Aeon, currently the rival retailer’s second-largest shareholder with a 20 percent stake, may launch a tender offer to acquire a majority stake, the sources said.

If Aeon takes control of Daiei, the deal might vault its group sales beyond \6 trillion, according to estimates.

The move is part of Aeon’s efforts to boost its retail network. It is already set to acquire supermarket chain Peacock Stores Ltd. from J. Front Retailing Co. on April 1.

Marubeni, which became Daiei’s top shareholder in 2006, has been failing to meet its expectations for synergy between its food and department store operations, the sources said.
