An Australian teenager reported missing two months ago has been found alive in dense bushland not far from his home, local police say. Matthew Allen, 18, was last seen at his family home near Westleigh, a suburb about 30 kilometers (20 miles) away from Sydney, on November 27.
Police feared the worst as the teen had not taken his mobile phone with him or accessed his bank accounts. Extensive searches by police and emergency services failed to find him.
On Saturday, two hikers told police that they had spotted a "disorientated man" in bushland not far from Westleigh. When rescuers reached Allen, he was in a bad way suffering from exhaustion and dehydration.
Local media said he was emaciated, covered in leeches and mosquito bites and his feet and lower legs were suffering from gangrene.
It was believed he had been in the bush the entire nine weeks he was missing, police said.
あまり出会いたくはない単語ですが、gangreneは"local death of soft tissues due to loss of blood supply"(Merriam-Webster)、つまり「壊疽(えそ)」を意味する専門用語です。(EnDough)