常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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feel for ~

アメリプロバスケットボールリーグNBA,the Boston Celticsの中心選手の1人Rajon Rondo選手が前十字靭帯断裂(torn Anterior Cruciate Ligament)の大怪我をし,今季のプレーは絶望となってしまいました。
これに対し,チームメイトでエースのPaul Pierce 選手はコメントで“I feel for him.”と述べています。feelというと「〜を感じる」という他動詞がすぐに想起されますが,feel for AというPVの形をとった場合は「〈A(人事)に〉同情する, 思いやる」という意味になります(『プログレッシブ英和中辞典』小学館)。英英辞書にもto feel sympathy for someone(LDOCE)と記載がありました。
加えて,Pierce 選手がコメントの最後にGuys just got to step up.と述べていますが,これはRondo選手が離脱してしまった一方で,「それまで出場の機会に恵まれなかった他の選手にチャンスがまわってくる」という意味で用いられていると考えられます。(Koyamamoto)

HANG TIME, Texas – Sometimes the decisions are made for you.
Danny Ainge can stop wondering about what to do, which direction to take with his Celtics as the NBA trade deadline of Feb. 21 draws near.
The future arrived in Boston like a punch in the gut with the sickening news that Rajon Rondo has a torn ACL in his right knee and is lost for the season.
Now it’s time to start over.
If Ray Allen having swapped jerseys for Sunday’s homecoming to the TD Garden with the Heat was first crack in the Celtics 21st century golden run that began in 2007, then Rondo’s injury sent the remnants crashing to the parquet floor.
Rondo was averaging 13.7 points, 11.1 assists and had just been named an All-Star starter for the first time. He was coming off back-to-back triple-doubles, including the double-overtime loss in Atlanta, where the injury evidently occurred.
After complaining of pain while trying to warm up prior to Sunday’s game, the point guard was taken to New England Baptist Hospital where an MRI revealed the tear.
The rest of the Celtics were given the bad news during the game and word circulated like whispers of a death in the family through the arena and the rest of the NBA world.
“We just got to rally round each other,” teammate Paul Pierce told ABC’s Doris Burke. “I feel for him. He was having such a great season…It’s disappointing news. Guys just got to step up.