常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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ward off


Savor the symbolism at New Year's

There are a couple of downsides to osechi ryōri, however. It takes a lot of time and skill to assemble all the components: One of my cookbooks recommends a "streamlined" plan of attack that takes a full week. Many people these days buy at least some of the items ready-made, and complete sets of ready-to-eat osechi are even available at convenience stores.

The other issue with osechi ryōri is that everything tends to be quite sweet, salty or sour, since it was meant to last for days without refrigeration. There's a sense that many Japanese people these days eat osechi out of respect for its symbolism and tradition rather than because they find it delicious. More modern festive foods such as sashimi and sliced roast beef are also now part of a typical New Year's feast in many Japanese homes.

If a full osechi ryōri spread is too much, consider getting just a few items to bring a little symbolic luck to your New Year's table. One very easy option is to get a block each of pink and white kamaboko fish cakes, slice each half-moon shaped block evenly, and arrange the slices alternately. The kōhaku (red and white) combination is said to ward off evil and cleanse the spirit — a great way to start the new year afresh.

wardには名詞で「(英国、東京都などにおける市・町、区の行政・選挙の)区」「病棟;病室」「(未成年者などの)被後見人、被保護者」などさまざまな意味がありますが、ward off というPVで「〈人・動物・強打など〉をかわす、受け流す、防ぐ、近づかせない」という意味を表すことができます。(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第4版』大修館書店)