常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

thrills and spills

Thrills and spills a rite of passage for children

FALLING off bicycles and monkey bars used to be part of childhood, but a modern culture of wrapping children in cotton wool is leaving children at risk of developing serious anxiety disorders, child psychologists have warned.
They claim youngsters sheltered from the harsh realities of life were left paranoid and unable to deal with challenges. Sydney Counselling Centre child psychologist Dr Gary Banks said he was seeing an increasing number of children experiencing anxiety and warned of a "weaker future generation".
"We are developing and bringing up kids to be more sensitive. We are bringing them up to be almost precious," Dr Banks said. "We do very little to promote resilience, mental toughness, physical fitness and this is symptomatic of a very permissive, condoning society. We are building a weaker future generation."Kids First children's services director Sonja Walker said children's mental health was becoming one of society's most pressing challenges.


タイトルのthrills and spillsですが、このnewsの内容からしてわくわくすることかな、と思い調べてみると、「<略式>成功(失敗)に伴うスリル」とあり(『ジーニアス英和大辞典』)、他に意味はないか英辞朗 on the Webを見てみると「わくわくどきどき」と出てきました。わくわく(thrills)がこぼれる(spills)というイメージからもよく分かります。

どの国でも、大人になるための通過儀礼(rite of passage)を経るためのスリルは必要なのですね。守ってばかりでは成長できません。

可愛い子には旅させよ(Spare the rod and spoil the child)を思い出させられました。(Nat)