常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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veer away


Chinese plane approaches Senkakus, but veers away

The Joint Staff of the Defense Ministry announced Saturday a Chinese plane was spotted flying toward the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea and the Air Self-Defense Force scrambled fighter jets in response.
An aircraft belonging to China's State Oceanic Administration intruded into Japanese airspace for the first time on Dec. 13, but Saturday's plane turned around about 120 kilometers north of the islands. The ministry is currently analyzing the purpose of the flight.
According to the ministry, the Chinese plane was a Y-12 propeller aircraft. The ASDF's radar detected it flying southeast in the East China Sea Saturday morning and scrambled fighter jets from its Naha Air Base. The aircraft then changed its course north and moved away from the islands.
As the ASDF's radar did not detect the Chinese aircraft on Dec. 13, the ministry had strengthened its surveillance by airborne warning and control systems.


veerとは「向きを変える」という意味だそうで(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第4版』大修館)、ここでは「(ジェット機が)方向転換をした」ということになります。この表現は他にもcast aboutなどで表せるそうです。(『英辞郎 on the WEB』)それにしても、この間領空侵犯をしてきた中国ですが、またそのようなことが起こるのでしょうか。さらに関係が悪化するのではないかと心配です。(Haramii)