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marquee speech

NYTからのbreaking newsがiPhoneに入ってきました。といってもRomney氏の大統領候補受諾のニュースです。ここのmarquee speechとはどんな意味でしょうか。EnDoughくん、教えてください。

Breaking News Alert
The New York Times
Thursday, August 30, 2012 -- 10:44 PM EDT

Mitt Romney Accepts Republican Presidential Nomination

Mitt Romney accepted the Republican presidential nomination on Thursday by making a direct appeal to Americans who were captivated by President Obama’s hopeful promises of change, pledging that he could deliver what the president did not and move the country from its worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.

In his address on the closing night of the Republican National Convention, Mr. Romney asked voters to consider whether their lives had improved over the last four years and urged them not to feel guilty about giving up on Mr. Obama. He left little doubt about his chief argument against Mr. Obama in the fall, saying: “What America needs is jobs.”

But Mr. Romney not only delivered a forceful critique of Mr. Obama, he also used the marquee speech of his presidential campaign to make a case for himself, summoning people from each chapter of his life to paint a humanizing portrait in hopes of helping voters see him with a trusting eye. The effort underscored how Mr. Romney’s path to winning the White House reached well beyond Republican activists gathered in Tampa, Fla.

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