常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

the outing(回答)

Big league transition begins for Darvish
Amid hype, Japanese right-hander throws first bullpen session


Darvish, with somewhere between 100-125 members of the media watching every pitch, threw five minutes of live batting practice during the Rangers' first workout for pitchers and catchers. Mike Napoli was his catcher, Minor League infielders Ryan Strausborger and Jurickson Profar were the two hitters and Triple-A pitching coach Terry Clark watched from behind the mound.
After the session was over, all involved were asked to assess the outing.
the outingは前段落で書かれていたバッターを立たせての実践練習のことを指しています。辞書でも確認してみると,「演出,小旅行,遠足」などの第一義の他に「(競技会・試合への)出場,参加」とありました(『ジーニアス英和辞典』第4版,大修館書店)。ここでは「投球内容」という意味になると思います。

"He had good command of all of his pitches ... sinker, four-seam fastball, slider and cutter," said Profar, a 19-year-old middle infielder who played at Class A Hickory last year.

"He threw the ball on both sides of the plate with a nice easy motion," Clark said.
a nice easy motionは直訳すると「良い簡単な動き」ですが,easyには「〈速度・動きが〉ゆるやかな,急でない」という意味があります。肩の力を抜いてリラックスした状態で投げる投球フォームはダルビッシュ投手の特徴の一つなので,ここでのwith a nice motionは「とてもゆったりとした投球フォームで,とてもリラックスしたモーションで」などと解釈出来ます。

"Just another BP," Napoli said. "He had good command and threw all of his pitches. He was only going 80 percent. It was not like game speed but the ball was coming out of his hand pretty good."
Everything’s going well.などの表現もあるように,ここでのgoingは「行動する」などの様態を表しています。これを踏まえると赤字を含めた2文は「ダルビッシュは80%程度の力で投げていた。スピードは実践レベルではなかったが,彼が投げる球はとてもキレていた(伸びがあった)。」などと訳せると思います。

The session is now history. Despite the massive attention, the outing was just the first step for Darvish in getting ready for the regular season.
ここでのhistoryは「過去のこと,昔のこと」という意味合いで使用されており(『ジーニアス英和辞典』同上),now historyで「今や昔のこと,もう終わったこと」などの意味になります。

Darvish was the center of attention during the club's first workout, but he did not let that faze him.

"I'm not here to play around," Darvish said through an interpreter during his first Arizona press conference. "I'm here to play baseball. That's what I do."
I'm not here to play around. 「ここに遊びに来たわけじゃない」というダルビッシュ投手の発言です。直後の. “I'm here to play baseball.”と対比されています。
※Derek Holland:昨年16勝を挙げ,チームのア・リーグ制覇に貢献した投手。

He will throw batting practice every other day leading up to March 2. That's when he will pitch against his teammates in the second of two intrasquad games.

"The key for him will be not to do too much but just to play baseball," pitcher Colby Lewis said. "That's what he's done for the last seven years in Japan. He just needs to go out, have fun and not put too much pressure on himself.
go outは「外出する」という意味でよく知られますが,他にも多くの意味があり,ここでは「できる限り努力する」という意味で使用されています(『同上』)。実力はお墨付きです。あとは環境や登板回数,球数制限など大リーグ流に慣れながら,ひたすら努力し続けることが大切ということでしょう。

He has been great over there and I don't expect any less here. I don't see him doing anything different: take the ball 30-35 times and have fun doing it."
前述の内容から,赤字の部分は「ダルビッシュ投手の登板」について書かれていると思われます。辞書で確認するとpick up[take]the ball and run with itで[(くだけて)チャンスを逃さずものにする」とありました(『ウィズダム英和辞典』第2版,三省堂)。「年間30回〜35回の登板機会をものにして,それを楽しむだけだ」といった意味が考えられます。

Darvish has to get used to an American baseball. The Japanese baseball is a touch smaller and not as slick as the one used in the Major Leagues. He needs to refine all his pitches. Darvish throws almost every pitch possible and doesn't even know himself exactly how many.
touchは「触れる」が第一義に来る単語です。 a (one) touch smallerからは「実際に触れてみて小さく感じる」という意味合いが感じ取れます。ちなみに,大リーグと日本のプロ野球(以下,MLBとMPB)で使用される球の規格は実は同じで,大きさ9インチ(22.9cm)〜9.25インチ(23.5cm),重さは5オンス(141.7g)〜5.25オンス(148.8g),表革は牛革と決められています。しかし,MLB公式球がその上限で製造されているのに対し,MPB公式球は下限で作られているため,その違いがa touch smaller(一回り/握り小さい)という表現に繋がっているのでしょう。

"It's not that I throw hard," Darvish said. "I have a lot of different pitches and I adjust each game. Each game I may have a different pitch that will be my out pitch."
out pitchはstrike out pitchなどと同様に「決め球」の意味でよく使われています。ダルビッシュ投手の場合,どの球種もレベルが高く,これまで日本でも自分の調子や対戦相手に合わせてそれらを自由自在に使い分けることができます。つまり,「(試合によって違った配球をするかもしれないが,)試合で投げるその球が決め球になるだろう」と述べていることが分かります。

"I'm going to sit down with him just like I would with every other pitcher," Napoli said. "I told him anything he wants me to do, I'll do it. I go through that with every other pitcher. It's not any different with him. Today was like last year when I caught Derek for the first time."
There just weren't as many cameras around.

"A little postseason pandemonium in Spring Training," Maddux said.
Spring Training is under way and now Darvish must focus on preparing for a Major League season. He is not playing around.
"Wearing that uniform makes me feel a part of the team," Darvish said. "Now, I have a responsibility to take care of."
また,take care ofは「…の世話をする,…を大事にする」という意味の表現です。チームの一員となり,期待されている以上「(万全の状態でシーズンにのぞむために)自分自身をしっかりとケアする責任がある」といった意味になります。(GP)