常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

Dr Tim Murphy連続講演会

わたしの知る限り、この人の講演ほど面白いものを知りません。control, agency, hopeなどmotivationにつらなる、今、話題の概念をしっかりとつかむ良い機会です。教職の学生は見逃さないように!(UG)

Tokyo Chapter Membership Co-Chairs
On Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011, Dr. Tim Murphey (Kanda University of
International Studies), well-known expert in the field of TESOL and Applied Linguistics will give a talk.

Date: Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011
Schedule: 6:30 to 9:10 pm (Lecture and reception)

Place: Bunkyo Gakuin University and College, Hongo Campus, Tokyo, Center Building 11th Floor

No preregistration is required.
Fee: Free of charge

6:40-7:30 Lecture Part 1

Title: Trans-disciplinary Motivation Agency & Hope: The Thrill of Being at Least Partially in Control of Your Life

Abstract: To have agency is to have some control. It is exciting for us to learn words in a new language and use them to talk to someone for the first time. Since we all hope for more agency, we become motivated to study. Our failures also motivate us because we as humans enjoy challenge. In this workshop, these ideas will be demonstrated with videos and illustrations.

To have agency is to have some control. When you learn new words (for example, "How are you?") in a foreign language and you use them to talk to someone for the first time, you feel this agency and control (over at least these words).
It is EXCITING (a thrill) to learn something new and to actually use it. We all hope for more agency, so we go study and try to learn, so we can gain more control over our world. This can also be called motivation.
However, if we were always successful, it would not be very exciting. Actually we all think we want to be successful all the time, but we don't! If you did want to be successful all the time, you would just do the things you know how to do and nothing else. It's boring! Humans like to be challenged! And when we challenge ourselves we fail sometimes, and that, believe it or not, makes things even more
exciting! (These exclamation points! Are important! They represent dopamine (Relax. I will explain and give examples.)
I will illustrate all these ideas with some simple videos and illustrations. You may not understand everything, and that is OK. But I do hope you will be challenged and gain control over a few new ideas, and enjoy yourself.

7:30-7:40 Break
7:40-8:40 Lecture Part 2
Title: Participation Precedes Learning

Abstract: In this presentation, we will engage in practical activities--from low risk to high risk. The presentation will demonstrate different ways to meet the level of the students and give them challenges that are appropriate. The presentation shows that
"participation precedes learning" and that when students participate in activities, they learn as a result even though they may not always be successful because they are challenged and motivated. Participants of the workshop will engage in activities that help them understand their students' motivations and agency.

Description:: In this part of the presentation, we will do many more practical activities, on a scale from low risk to high risk. I will try to show you that there are many ways to meet the level of your students and give them challenges that are appropriate for them. The first thing we want students to do is to participate because
"participation precedes learning." If they are involved and engaged and they do the activities at their level, they will learn. They will not always be successful, but they will be challenged and excited/motivated because in interaction we are handing control over to students. This rarely happens in lectures. Oh, and it should be a
lot of fun and laughing is permitted.

In both parts, I will interactively invite participants to engage in activities that help them understand our students' motivations, agency, and hope and how they might use similar activities in their classes to invite students to be more motivated, agentive, and hopeful.

8:40-9:10 Refreshments (Tea & Cookies)
Feel Free to join one or both lectures. Please check the Bunkyo Gakuin University and College website for updates.
If you have any questions, contact pd@ell.u-bunkyo.ac.jp