常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

dry run

インクカートリッジとみられる爆発物は爆発こそしませんでしたが,今後予想される新たな波状テロの予行演習(dry run)と考えられています。何事もないことを祈ります。(UG)
Ink cartridge 'bomb' on jet sparks trans-Atlantic alert
A suspect package on a cargo flight at a UK airport sparked a massive security alert on both sides of the Atlantic last night.
Police were called to a freight distribution centre at East Midlands Airport in the early hours of yesterday following a routine search.
The area was immediately evacuated as experts examined the "sinister" package - a toner ink-cartridge containing a mysterious white power, a circuit board and wires.
No explosives were found, but security chiefs fear the device - which had been made to look like a makeshift bomb - may have been a "dry run" for a new wave of terror attacks.
The package arrived in the UK aboard a United Parcel Service flight from the Yemen bound for Chicago.
And the alert immediately intensified when similar devices were found in America.
In an unprecedented move US fighter jets were scrambled to intercept a passenger jet that was carrying cargo from the Yemen.
They escorted the Emirates jet from Dubai as it taxied into New York's JFK Airport. FBI chief Richard Kolko said: "It was a precautionary measure. There is no known threat associated with this cargo or this flight."
Officials moved two UPS jets in Philadelphia and a third in Newark, New Jersey, away from terminal buildings.
Another suspicious package was found on a US-bound cargo plane at Dubai - and security sources there are said to have confirmed it DID contain explosives.