常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

feel a pull of~

誰も書かなかったので仕方なくつぶやきます。見出しのfeel a pull(見出しは冠詞が省略)は,魚が餌にくいついたときや子どもがおもちゃ売り場で親のそでを引いたりする場面を想起させます。確かに文字通り「何かに引かれることを感じる」です。そこから転じて,「〜に魅力を感じる」という意味でもよく使われます。UG e-Gleaningに入力してみると,例えば;
Boys May Feel a Genetic Pull Toward Gangs
Presence of a 'warrior gene' variant ups violence inclination, study finds.
のように,pullの前にgeneticなどの形容詞をともなう場合が多いようです。この記事ではof以下がそれを説明していますが,東国原知事の場合はTokyo postに興味を感じているようです。
Higashikokubaru feels pull of Tokyo post
Miyazaki Gov. Hideo Higashikokubaru has told close aides he will not run in the gubernatorial election scheduled for December and instead is interested in contesting Tokyo's gubernatorial election to be held next spring, according to sources familiar with the matter.
Higashikokubaru, formerly known as comedian Sonomanma Higashi, was elected Miyazaki governor in January 2007.
His term will expire on Jan. 20.
On Saturday night in Tokyo, he met with movie director Takeshi Kitano, also known as comedian Beat Takeshi, and told him of his intention, separate sources said. During his days as a comedian, Higashikokubaru was a member of "Takeshi Gundan" (Takeshi's Army), a group of Beat Takeshi's apprentices.
Higashikokubaru likely will officially announce his decision not to run in the election during the plenary session of the prefectural assembly later this month, probably Friday or Sept. 29, according to the sources from his supporters' group.
So far no one has announced their candidacy in the Miyazaki gubernatorial race.
The 2007 gubernatorial election was held after former Gov. Tadahiro Ando resigned over bid-rigging. Ando was later arrested and sentenced to 3-1/2 years in prison.