常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

how to occupy his thought

Paul AusterのNew York TRILOGYの中のPENGUIN CLASSICS DELUXE EDITIONからの抜粋です。クインがオースターのふりをし,スティルマンを追跡している場面です。
There remained the problem of how to occupy his thoughts as he followed the old man. Quinn was used to wandering. His excursions through the city had thought him to understand the connectedness of inner and outer. Using aimless motion as a technique of reversal, on his best days he could bring the outside in and thus usurp the sovereignty of inwardness. By flooding himself with externals, by drowning himself out of himself, he had managed to exert some small degree of control over his fits of despair. Wandering, therefore, was a kind of mindlessness. But following Stillman was not wandering. Stillman could wander, he could stagger like a blindman from one spot to another, but this was a privilege denied to Guinn. For he was obliged now to concentrate on what he was doing, even if it was next to nothing.(p.61)
そこでいつものようにLDOCEに頼ってみると,occupy sb’s mind / thoughts / attention:if something occupies your mind etc, you think about that thing more than anything else. とありました。本文でもhis thoughtが目的語になっていることから,この意味ではないかと予想しながら思い読んでみました。しかし,やはり据わりがようありません。そこでもう一度辞書を読んでみると,control by force:to enter a place in a large group and keep control of it, especially by military forceを発見しました。文脈には合っていて,意味も通じるのですが,by military forceというわけではないので,それを当てはめていいか半信半疑(half in doubt)のまま読み進めてみました。すると,usurpやsovereigntyという武力に関係する語があり,さらにはcontrolという語での言い換え表現と思われる語もでてきます。