常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


作戦名はhackerとpaparazziの造語ですね。(To To To)
Jacksonville man indicted in case involving Scarlett Johansson nude photos

LOS ANGELES — A Jacksonville man was charged with hacking into the emails of dozens of people, including Christina Aguilera, Scarlett Johansson and Mila Kunis, in a computer invasion scheme that targeted Hollywood celebrities, according to documents released Wednesday.

Christopher Chaney hacked Google, Apple and Yahoo email accounts beginning last November and December, then hijacked the forwarding feature so that a copy of every email received was sent, "virtually instantaneously," to an email account he controlled, according to an indictment handed up Tuesday by a federal grand jury in Los Angeles.

There were more than 50 victims, including actress Renee Olstead, according to the indictment.
Chaney offered some material, including photographs, to celebrity blog sites and some of the files and photographs ultimately were posted, according to an FBI statement.

Nude shots of Johansson appeared on an Internet site earlier this year and the FBI confirmed they were linked to this investigation, according to The New York Times.

Chaney allegedly used the hacker names "trainreqsuckswhat," "anonygrrl" and "jaxjaguars911." He is charged with 25 counts of identity theft, unauthorized access and unauthorized damage to a protected computer.

The FBI announced that it had made an out-of-state arrest Wednesday morning in a year-long investigation of celebrity hacking that was dubbed Operation Hackerazzi.

A message seeking comment was left on an answering machine for a Christopher Chaney in Jacksonville. There was no answer at a telephone listing for another Christopher Chaney.

Celebrities and people in the news have long been targets of privacy invasion but concerns have redoubled in the Internet age.

In Britain, publisher Rupert Murdoch closed down the News of the World this year after contentions that the tabloid routinely hacked into people's phones in the hunt for exclusive stories.

The paper, which had published for 168 years, faced allegations of systematically intercepting private voicemail of those in the news — including a teenage murder victim.


carry a big stick and with a rod of iron

急にファンタジー映画を観たくなったので,The Guardianのウェブ・サイトで映画評を読んでいたら,エマ・トンプソン主演・脚本の『ナニー・マカフィーと空飛ぶ子ブタ』(Nanny Mcphee and the Big Bang)の記事を見つけました(コリン・ファースも出演していて結構豪華なキャストです)。今回は,『ナニー・マカフィーと空飛ぶ子ブタ』の映画評から英語表現を拾います。
Nanny McPhee speaks softly but carries a big stick
Emma Thompson's warty supernanny rules with a rod of iron, suggesting love isn't all you need to raise children – even in a family film
上の引用は,見出しとリードの部分です。気になる箇所を赤字で示しました。まずは,タイトルのcarry a big stickをみてみます。『リーダーズ英和辞典』で調べてみるとwield [carry] a big stickで「きびしく(権力)をふるう」とあります。タイトルから「ナニー・マカフィーはそっとささやくのだけれども,子供にはナニーとしての資格を行使する」こと,つまりイングランドのナニーのステレオタイプがわかります。なおナニーのステレオタイプなどは新井潤美先生の『不機嫌なメアリー・ポピンズ――イギリス小説と映画から読む「階級」』(平凡社,2005年)が参考になります。
続いて,rule with a rod of ironです。調べてみると,これは,聖書の記述から生まれた表現であるようです。with a rod of ironで「酷いやり方で」という意味になり(『聖書に由来する慣用句辞典』大修館書店),rule with a rod of ironで「きびしく管理(支配)する」とあります(『リーダーズ英和辞典』研究社)。さっそく該当する聖書の記述を調べてみました。
Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel. (Psalm 2: 9)
ここから,with a rod of iron「鉄の棒で」が,「酷いやり方で」などの意味になることが,なるほどよくわかります。さらにruleが付くことで「厳しく支配する」ということもイメージしやすい。また,この表現は,新聞の記事などでもたびたび見かけます。わたしがインターネットで調べた結果以下のようなものがありました。
The England coach's reluctance to tolerate the WAG sideshow that surrounded England in Baden-Baden four years ago has led to him being characterised as a coach who rules with a rod of iron.http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/international/capello-goes-into-reverse-over-wags-1955180.html
It had taken steps to modernise since the notorious era of the Fifties and Sixties, when it was ruled with a rod of iron by its former head
CAESAR and we must rule the rabble, and do it with a rod of iron.
(1865年のNew York Timesにもありました。こんな古い記事を読めるなんて感激してしまいます。)
こうしてみると,あまりwith a rod of ironだけでは使用されず,rule with a rod of ironで使用されることが多いのかな,と思います。(Othello)

white knuckle

“It’s is really poignant story of love between different classes, but it’s also got white-knuckle battle scenes and a beautiful ending. I hope a lot of people get to see it.”
ここで注目するのが,white knuckleという単語です。これは「手に汗握る,恐怖を引き起こす」という意味の形容詞です(『ジーニアス英和辞典』第4版,大修館書店)。whiteには「白」という意味だけでなく,「〈人・顔・唇が〉[病気・恐怖で]青ざめた」という意味があり,そこからwhite knuckleが「手に汗握る」という意味になったと考えられます。
abc newsで検索してみると,white-knuckle moments,white-knuckle driving conditions,white-knuckle timeのような使われ方をするようです。(Sugiuchi)
映画のOfficial Site

stick to its guns

Top official says MLB will stick to its guns as WBC dispute drags on
今回の表現はstick to its gunsです。stickやgunなどの言葉からも反発しそうな印象を受けます。辞書で確認してみると「(戦い・議論などで)一歩も譲らない,退かない」とあります。LDOCEにはinformal to refuse to change your mind about something, even though other people are trying to persuade you that you are wrong.とあります。
また,語源を見るとMilitary expression indicating bravery, diligence, and persistence of gunners faithfully attending their cannons under fire.(http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Wiktionary:Main_Page