常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。



Toys really R us! How games reflect British culture The big business players descend on London this week for the 60th annual Toy Fair. These games and gadgets that we love are more than mere ways of passing the time. They track the trends …


マクドナルドが「朝マック」強化のための施策として、月曜日の6時〜9時の間にソーセージマフィンを無料で配るキャンペーンを行っているようです。 McDonald’s is already known for cheap prices, but it’s about to get a whole lot cheaper: as in free. A…


私の年代でも大きな、大きなiconでした。本日のスポーツ紙は何頁も割いて、その偉業を讃えています。Sumo: Legendary Taiho dies at age of 72Former yokozuna Taiho, whose 32 tournament championships are the most in sumo history, died at the age of …

hot potato #3

再選を果たしたオバマ米大統領の就任宣誓式が近づいています。ところが就任式で、神に祈りを捧げる人物の選定をめぐって一悶着があったようです。Official prayers for Obama are a political hot potatoMonday, President Obama is center stage. Tuesday, …





writing on the wall

アメリカに紙の本が無い図書館ができるようです。Bexar set to turn the page on idea of books in librariesBexar County Judge Nelson Wolff is an unabashed book lover with 1,000 first editions in his private collection, but even he sees the writ…

spruce up

The president has referenced King in speeches, and the weekend of inaugural festivities opened Saturday with a national day of service in King's honor. Obama and his family also helped spruce up an elementary school in southeast Washington…